Selasa, 25 Januari 2011

Nadila Ernesta won "Best Asian Super Model 2011"

Nadila Ernesta achievement in the world of Asian-level model. Women who frequently appeared on various television movie title is called "Best Asian Super Model 2011", through the event Asian Model Festival Awards 2011.

Nadila, 22, confessed to face some heavy competition in the arena of competition that was held in South Korea. According to him, some famous model name from a dozen countries in Asia, took part in this event.

"Judjing had been carried out in Jakarta. And I've been told before that I will be able to award. But do not imagine that it feels like to receive this award," said Nadila, when found in the area of Bangka, South Jakarta, on Monday (24 / 1) afternoon.

In fact, the Ghost Train of Manggarai movie players must compete with models from Malaysia, Singapore, Vietnam, Japan, India, and South Korea - as the host -.

With so many potential rivals, making Nadila had a different experience, the intense competition. Each contestant must be able to serve his ability in front of hundreds of guests is important.

Not to mention when his name was announced as winner of the event that the international-class model. "All this time I never thought could be to award like that," said former girlfriend Eno "Neutral" is.

"For too happy, I'd be nervous right up onto the stage," he concluded. (IRA)

Here are profiles Nadila Ernesta
Nadila Ernesta artist born in Jakarta, February 4, 1988 is a fashion and actress of Indonesia. His name in the art world we often see the role when he starred in the film "Is It" in 2004 with a young star at that time include "Alyssa". Apart from soap operas Aquarius zodiac girl was also penetrated into the world with a wide screen movie starring horror film in 2008 titled "Ghost Ancol bridge" and a few other movies.

His career began when he followed the casting of a soap opera titled "Is It" in 2004. His interest started on his hobbies that like to shop, because it wants to use his own money to spend then he started to follow his friend's advice to follow a soap opera casting. It turned out that Barbie was passed because before Barbie was not sure because many of the other participants qualify for a more beautiful and more sexy from him.

In the Barbie soap opera plays a girl like Betty la culu FEA, he too must be willing to alter her beautiful face at that resemble Pippi Long Legs The T-shirt. But all of them acted Barbie alone - an eye for professional work only. From this soap opera Barbie also gaining popularity as an artist. Bids play too many soap operas comes to Barbie Ernesta. Although fame has gotten, but the girls who like reading and watching it instead wanted to work in an office that has a clear business hours. Barbie also claimed to prefer to spend time with family, friends and lover.

Full Name: Nadila Ernesta
Nickname: Nadila Ernesta
TTL: Jakarta, February 4, 1988
Zodiac: Aquarius
Favorite movie: 50 First Date, Bridget Jones's Diary, The Ring, Lord of the Rings, Matrix
Last Education: Elementary Ricci 2 Pondok Aren, SMP Strada Bhakti Utama, Bintaro Guesthouse, SMA Ora Et Labora Pondok Indah, Higher Education Institute of Fashion Indonesia
Hobbies: Reading, watching
Favorite Beverage: Iced Tea Sweet
Favorite Food: Shrimp Fried mayonnaise

-Soap opera / FTV-
• Is this It (2004)
• Human scaly
• God is the Greatest
• Divine Secrets
• Divine Providence

• Miracle (Challenging Death) (2007)
• Ghost Ancol Bridge (2008)
• Want More? (2008)
• Ghost Train of Manggarai (2008)
• Forever Love (2008)

from various sources

Tips Sehat Minum Kopi

Sebagian orang beranggapan bahwa teman terbaik saat bekerja adalah secangkir kopi. Namun apakah penderita hipertensi bisa tetap bersahabat dengan kopi sambil bekerja?

Berikut ini ada beberapa tips agar Anda bisa tetap menikmati kopi tanpa khawatir akan mengalami gangguan kesehatan.

Pertama, atur dosis kopi yang akan Anda minum. Kebanyakan peneliti mengungkapkan bahwa minum 300 mg kafein atau sekitar toga cangkir kopi tiap hari tidak memberikan efek negatif pada orang sehat.

Tiap orang memiliki batas tersendiri ketika meminum kopi. Untuk itu ada baiknya Anda mengetahui kandungan kopi yang Anda konsumsi.

Kedua, informasi lain mengenai kopi berdasarkan sejumlah penelitian adalah kopi decaf atau kopi tanpa kafein baik untuk mereka yang mengalami obesitas, karena dapat meningkatkan HDL (kolesterol 'baik') sekitar 50%.
Sedangkan bagi mereka yang tidak menderita obesitas justru dapat menurunkan kolesterol HDL ini. Akibatnya, bisa meningkatkan risiko penyakit jantung.

Ketiga, tahukah Anda bahwa setiap mengkonsumsi enam ons kopi, berarti Anda kehilangan lima miligram kalsium. Tapi jangan khawatir dahulu, kehilangan kalsium ini bisa diatasi dengan menambahkan dua sendok susu pada kopi.

Sedangkan campuran kopi dengan alkohol kurang baik terutama untuk orang yang mengalami gangguan hati. Selain itu, campuran kopi dengan krim juga sebaiknya dihindari untuk mengurangi kalori berlebih..

Keempat, kafein juga berinteraksi dengan beberapa jenis obat. Bagi Anda yang sedang mengkonsumsi obat, sebaiknya konsultasikan ke dokter tentang kebiasaan Anda dalam meminum kopi ini. [L1]